Your Direct-to-Consumer Sales Team—Experienced, Friendly Brand Ambassadors
Our specialty is fast, reliable subscriber acquisition for newspapers and other subscription-model companies across the US. Our “meet and greet” kiosk sales team delivers proven quality subscribers with the highest propensity for retention and renewals.
We are interested in talking with you about how our expertise in face-to-face consumer marketing can benefit your company. By meeting with potential customers in high-traffic retail locations, at community and sports events, and at trade shows, we act as influential brand ambassadors and sales generators.
Find Out Why Barden Circulation Should Be Part of Your Subscription Marketing Team
Contact us now and request our list of client references. We have worked in the newspaper industry for more than 30 years—with newspapers you know and respect. We also have experience with other kinds of subscription-model marketing. Give us a call at 210-657-9100 (9 a.m. – 6 p.m., CST, Mon-Fri) or fill out the form below. We look forward to working with you!
Barden Circulation Corporate Offices
Ron Barden, BCI President/CEO
Michael Ann Erlanson, Corporate Office Manager
Anderson Cutting, National Operations Director / Inspire Energy Division
414 W. Rhapsody Drive
San Antonio, TX 78216
Office Hours: Monday – Friday
9 a.m. – 6 p.m. (CST)
Phone: 210-657-9100
FAX: 210-488-9008
Barden Circulation Inc. – Inspire Energy Division
6200 Rockside Woods Blvd.
Suite 320
Independence, OH 44131
Phone: 216-965-3658


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