Barden Circulation
Does It All

Get in on the Ground Floor of Renewable Energy Sales
Join our team to do your part to promote Inspire renewable energy certificates (RECs). Our personal sales approach educates the public about renewable clean energy options. We deliver informed customers who are eager to do their part in the goal of creating a carbon-neutral future. RECs also are a great fundraising opportunity for your school, team, church, or organization. Ask how we can help facilitate your fundraising success.

Barden Exceeds Expectations
If you are looking for a forward-facing sales company that can help you meet goals and build a solid future, Barden’s professional sales team can help. We are always looking for new opportunities to market and sell quality consumer products and services throughout the US. Our experience in the COVID-era has taught us that we can successfully team up with a variety of consumer-driven corporations to increase sales and customer retention. Let us put you in contact with current or past clients who will vouch for the results we have achieved for them both Pre- and Post-Pandemic.
We encourage you to talk with our satisfied clients.
Although the past 5 years were extremely difficult BCI continued to be very successful! Even through the COVID era – the pivoting and diversifying that required will turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
~ Ron Barden, BCI President/CEO
Read news of our operations across the country.
Join the Barden Sales Team
Read All About It!
Barden Circulation is the premier newspaper subscription sales company in the US. We now sell print and digital subscriptions, as well as other products and services that use a subscription model. Join our team to become a brand ambassador for well-known corporations. We offer training, above-average compensation, and the opportunity to talk to consumers from a kiosk in high-traffic areas like retail stores, trade shows, and event venues.